
Guus Boswinkel was born on July the 5th in 1994 in Deventer.

In November 2006 Guus got infected by the so-called ‘musical-virus’. He joined the Deventer Jeugd Musical (Deventer Youth Musical) and participated in many productions, like ‘Pocahontas’ and ‘Hunchback of Notre-Dame’, until June 2011.

After five years with the Deventer Jeugd Musical, and after experiencing a MusicalCamp of Ramaekers Entertainment, he ventured the auditions for the Willem Nijholt Academy (later called the Nederlandse Musical Academie; Dutch Musical Academy). With success, he got accepted and got the chance to develop his skills even more. For his internship during the last year of this study, from October 2014 until April 2015, he joined the cast of the production ‘Diner voor twee’ (Dinner for two) by charity ‘de Zonnebloem’. He got to share the stage with some magnificent Dutch artists like Ron Brandsteder, Joke de Kruijf, Petra Berger, Rolf Koster and Arwin Kluft. With the graduation of the Willem Nijholt Academie getting closer, he felt that he wanted to learn and develop more. He graduated and then auditioned at the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg (Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts), for the study Musical Theatre, and he got accepted. During this second study, he attended classes of a.o. Florian Boutonnier, Marleen van der Loo, Cindy Bell, Jack Breikers and Brigitte Odett and starred in ‘How to Succeed in Bussiness Without Really Trying’ and ‘Spring Awakening’. He also performed in the Song&Dance ‘Fairground’ led by Marcel Visscher and Jack Breikers, and in the concert-version of ‘Schimmel’, led by Caroline Frerichs. Next to his study he was part of the musical choir ‘Say no more’ for three years, led by Jack Breikers. And he was also chairman of the education committee, which made sure the quality of the study was kept and nourished.

Just before his graduation, he played in the Spectacle Musical 40 – 45 in Belgium.
After his graduation, he was a singer and dancer with The Magic of Jeans in the shows ‘Heartbeat’ and ‘Time to say Goodbye’, with which he toured the Netherlands for two seasons. From September 2021 Guus is in Soldier of Orange The  Musical, where he is in the ensemble and cover for the role of Bram.

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